Farm animals, I learned on a recent visit to Seven Pines farm, can castrated without any sedative or painkiller. It is done when they are young – as young as possible – and it can be done without a vet. The only tools needed are a scalpel (or other castrating tool) and an iodine solution to spray on the wound.
Also, there are a couple different methods of castration. Some involve removing the testicles; some involve just severing the spermatic cord.
Male mammals have two testicles and two spermatic cords. The spermatic cords in a calf are very “tough” and can be easily felt through the scrotum. They feel like a wide tendon. When castrating a calf, it's important to cut both of these cords WITHOUT cutting the central artery that runs down the middle of the scrotum. The artery is smaller than the cords and feels like a very thin, fragile tendon.
At Seven Pines, our class castrated a bull calf by cutting “slits” in the bottom of each side of the scrotum, then “pulling out” the testicles and cutting the spermatic cords.
We also castrated several pigs, which was more difficult. The pigs' testicles are “inside” their body cavity; they do not hang outside as the calf's do. To castrate a pig, one person hangs on to the pig's feet and holds it upside down, with the pig's head trapped between the person's legs and the pig's stomach facing “out” towards the castrator. The castrator takes a scalpel and makes a cut between the pig's legs. Then, the castrator removes the first testicle by “popping it out” manually and cutting the cord. Next, the castrator has to make a slit into a membrane (using the first cut as the point of entry) and dig out the second testicle. The second testicle is “popped out” by strategic poking and pushing, and then it is pulled out far enough for the cord to be cut.
Sometimes, if it is difficult to find the membrane to cut, a second incision needs to be made between the pig's legs in order to find and dig out the second testicle.
Although it looked (and sounded) like a horrible process to me as a city girl and animal lover, the pigs recovered quickly. After we set them down, they were walking and running around like normal.